Practice Like A Pro With Heater Sports' Versatile And Durable Pitching Machines. Improve Your Accuracy, Consistency And Batting Skills Today!
Hit Mini Lite-Balls With Pin-Point Accuracy. Hitting a real baseball takes skill, but imagine the skill required to hit a ball the size of a golf ball.
Now, with the Crusher Mini Lite-Ball Pitching Machine, you can train your eye to hit a ball approximately two-thirds smaller than a real baseball. With the Crusher’s Dual Wheel Variable Speed Controls you can hit curve balls and fastballs. And if you can hit this mini ball, imagine how well you’ll hit a real ball when you step up to the plate.
And because the Crusher Lite-Ball is soft, you can improve your hitting anywhere. Use in the garage, park or your own backyard.
All reconditioned products have been remanufactured to work just as good as our new products.

See Features Below:
Mini Ball Pitching Machine Pitches Up to 45 MPH
Choose Between Fastball or Curveball Pitching
Adjustable Pitch Height & Speed For Any Skill Level
Plugs in any Standard 110V Outlet or Uses 6V Batteries
Included Ballfeeder Holds 2 Dz. Balls and Pitches Every 9 Seconds
Includes 1 Dozen Mini Balls